How to launch TractoFlow

Local computer

To run the pipeline, use the following command:

# With Singularity
$> nextflow run tractoflow/ --root input_folder --dti_shells "DTI_SHELLS" --fodf_shells "FODF_SHELLS" -with-singularity singularity_name.img

# With Docker
$> nextflow run tractoflow/ --root input_folder --dti_shells "DTI_SHELLS" --fodf_shells "FODF_SHELLS" -with-docker tractoflow:docker

Where DTI_SHELLS are the shells used to compute the DTI metrics (typically b-value < 1200 e.g. “0 1000”) and FODF_SHELLS are the shells used to compute the fODF metrics (typically b > 700 e.g. “0 1000 2000”).

Mounted partition

If your data is not on the same storage disk than your OS (e.g. a mounting disk, a USB stick, an external disk, …), you must bind your disk to the singularity container. Create a file (e.g. singularity.conf) and write the following line:

singularity.runOptions="--bind PATH_TO_DATA"

Where PATH_TO_DATA is the path to your storage disk.

Then run the following command:

# With Singularity
$> nextflow -c singularity.conf run tractoflow/ --root input_folder --dti_shells "DTI_SHELLS" --fodf_shells "FODF_SHELLS" -with-singularity singularity_name.img

# With Docker
$> nextflow -c singularity.conf run tractoflow/ --root input_folder --dti_shells "DTI_SHELLS" --fodf_shells "FODF_SHELLS" -with-docker tractoflow:docker

High Performance Computer (HPC)

The following example is based on the SLURM executor:

If you want to use only one node, please use the same commands presented for the local computer. The follwing lines must be saved in .sh file (e.g. to be executed with sbatch.


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --mem=0
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00

nextflow -c singularity.conf run tractoflow/ --root input_folder --dti_shells "DTI_SHELLS" --fodf_shells "FODF_SHELLS" -with-singularity singularity_name.img -resume

To launch on multiple nodes, you must to use the MPI option that use Ignite executor. The following example use 2 nodes with 32 threads on each nodes. The follwing lines must be saved in .sh file (e.g. to be executed with sbatch.


#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --mem=0
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00

export NXF_CLUSTER_SEED=$(shuf -i 0-16777216 -n 1)

srun nextflow -c singularity.conf run tractoflow/ --root input_folder --dti_shells "DTI_SHELLS" --fodf_shells "FODF_SHELLS" -with-singularity singularity_name.img -with-mpi -resume

As a local computer, you must bind your storage disk to the singularity (Please see Mounted partition subsection above).

To launch the pipeline on the HPC:

$> sbatch