Input structure

Root parameter

The input root parameter is called using --root and require the following file structure:

├── S1
│   ├── dwi.nii.gz
│   ├── bval
│   ├── bvec
│   ├── rev_b0.nii.gz  (optional)
│   └── t1.nii.gz
└── S2
    ├── dwi.nii.gz
    ├── bval
    ├── bvec
    ├── rev_b0.nii.gz  (optional)
    └── t1.nii.gz

The root folder must contains subjects folders (e.g. S1, S2,…). Each subject folder contains the required images:

  • dwi.nii.gz are the diffusion weighted images.
  • bval is the b-value file in the FSL format.
  • bvec is the b-vector file in the FSL format.
  • rev_b0.nii.gz (optional) is the reversed phase encoded b0 image also called blip-up/blip-down. Used to correct distortion due to diffusion acquisition (Documentation).
  • t1.nii.gz is the T1 weighted image.

BIDS parameter

Work in progress.