Fast Installation

Easy install method

Enter this command in your terminal (it downloads the container and TractoFlow code in the current directory - Make sure nextflow is already installed before running this command):

curl -s | bash

Detailed Installation

TractoFlow pipeline


Download TractoFlow pipeline:

$> nextflow pull scilus/tractoflow

For developers

Clone TractoFlow pipeline repository:

# Clone with HTTPS
$> git clone

# Clone with SSH
$> git clone

As a developer you will have to run tractoflow using this command:

nextflow run tractoflow/ --help

Singularity for TractoFlow

Download the last release of the Singularity container for TractoFlow:

$> wget

Or if you have sudo privileges

$> sudo singularity build scilus_1.6.0.sif docker://scilus/scilus:1.6.0

Docker for TractoFlow

First, change the number of CPUs and RAM (recommended: 8 CPUs and 16Gb of RAM) in Docker (Preferences -> Advanced) and click on Apply & Restart.

Download the last release of the Docker container for TractoFlow:

$> docker pull scilus/scilus:1.6.0

Please see Profiles section to use macos profile.