
To run the pipeline you must install Nextflow. To use our Singularity container, you must install the Singularity package.


Local Computer

  1. Before installing check your current version java -version. If return something as java version "1.X" and X is 8 up to 11, you can skip this step else install java.
  2. Install Nextflow:
$> wget && chmod +x nextflow && \
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:'$(pwd) >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

High Performance computer (HPC)

  1. Try `module load nixpkgs/16.09 module load java/1.8.0_192 or check with your administrator or on the HPC website.
  2. Use wget to install Nextflow, change the name, add execution rights and add the Nextflow path in the bash_profile.
$> wget && \
mv nextflow-19.04.0-all nextflow && \
chmod +x nextflow && echo 'export PATH=$PATH:'$(pwd) >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile


Our Singularity container currently works on Linux. We highly recommend to use Singularity on a Linux local computer or on a HPC.

If you want to use Docker on Windows or MacOS, please see the Docker for TractoFlow section.

Local Computer

Install singularity-container. Our current singularity container works only on Linux. A macOS version will be released soon.

If you are Debian/Ubuntu, you can get neurodebian:

$> sudo wget -O- | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neurodebian.sources.list && \
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xA5D32F012649A5A9 && \
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y singularity-container

High Performance computer (HPC)

Please try module load singularity/3.5 or check with an administrator or on the HPC website.



To install Docker on your MacOS computer, please check the following link:


To install Docker on your Windows computer, please check the following link: